
Extended Practice Mondo Contextual Research

before I began working on my film posters I decided to make a pinterest board where I picked out my favourite Mondo posters this really helped me gain an understanding of the aesthetic of their work and also a good idea of what kind of colour schemes they use which is important because it allows me to plan how many colours to use in my image.


Extended Practice Film Poster Brief

Brief Title - Marvel Studios film poster briefs.

Brief - The brief is to produce a set of film posters based on the films and television shows made by Marvel Studios, Each poster will be based on one movie or tv series. The posters will be produced as if they were being produced for Mondo Posters.

Product - The final products will be a set of posters that are each based on a film or tv series by Marvel studios each Tv series will have it's own poster, The posters will be made to Mondo's specifications so they will be 24" x 36" The posters will also be made so that the files are ready to screen print ( I won't actually screen print them, but it's important to understand how to set up a file for screen printing as this is how these companies work.)

Tone of Voice - The tone of the pieces will differentiate from each film that the poster is based on, there will be the same colour scheme used for movies in the same franchise and I still want to keep a comic book feel to the images but still keep them in line with Mondo's brand.

Audience - The audience for the posters would be collectors, Marvel fans and Mondo fans, but the main reason I'm doing this brief is to try and produce some work for my portfolio so this brief will force me to make work that is portfolio ready.

Context - This brief is being done with my portfolio in mind and the only way these posters are going to be seen is online so the best way to produce them would be landscape as this is a much better way to view things on a computer screen.

Additional Notes - I want to explore the notion of breaking the panel that I've started to explore within my COP practical work, I want to use this to really push my compositional skills and develop my finished work. Working with a panel within a bigger image will also help me to move away from working in an A format which a lot of my work has been so far.

Deliverables - Full Blog Documentation
- A series of posters at 24x36 inches


Extended Practice Film Posters Brief

I've decided to work on a set of film posters as one of my briefs for extended practice, I feel this brief is necessary because when I was talking to the guys from Mondo, Vice Press and Black Dragon Press they were really enthusiastic about my work but the problem was I don't really have any posters that I'm proud of as part of my portfolio so I've resolved to try and produce a film poster every 2 weeks. The film posters are going to be based on Marvel Studios films and will be produced with screen printing in mind as that is the most common way for these studios to work, though whether I actually screen print them is up in the air as I don't feel that technically my screen printing skills are good enough to get the quality I want so I'm going to create the files with screen print in mind and create the colour seperations for future reference. I decided to focus on Marvel Studios as these are films that I know well and this will allow me to focus on the design and motifs as I want to produce these posters quickly. I'm going to produce the posters at 36"x24" this will allow me to move away from the A format work I've been producing so far and I hardly ever work in landscape so it will be a challenge.

Extended Practice Clockwork Orange Brief


I found this brief the other day that I intend to do, I realised I need to do more briefs that have real world applications rather than ones that i've made up. This would be a good one to do as it is similar to a brief that I may take on once I've left uni, also I've wanted to do a book cover brief for a while and this is a great opportunity for it and I feel that Clockwork Orange is much more fitting to my practice than the Folio Society brief for War Horse.


Extended Practice Thought Bubble Reaction

Well Thought Bubble was a massive disappointment, I'm really bummed out with how it went. I decided to make really commercial fan art so I'd sell work but this was a mistake I only just payed for the table never mind the printing costs. I really wish I would have made work that I liked and wanted to make rather than forcing myself to make fan art, I've hated making all this work and I wish i hadn't got a table now.

I think one of the main problems we had was that we didn't have enough space to properly display all the work we made and on both sides the people next to us had big stands which I think made our half table kind of harder to spot. Also another problem was that people just didn't want to look through Zines if people we're going to buy anything it was going to be a print. I really want to stop talking about Thought Bubble now and just move on from it as I feel it's kind of dominated my time up until now.

Extended Practice Doctor Who Collaborative Print

This is a print that I did in collaboration with Tom Roberts for our Thought Bubble table, I'm really happy with how this print turned out I did the line work for the image and Tom did the colour and textures which really worked to both our strengths. The collaboration worked really well and was really simple there weren't any complications and it all went smoothly. I think the colour work on this piece really takes the images up a notch and Tom did a much better job of colouring this image than I could have.

Extended Practice Thought Bubble Prep

This is everything ready and prepared for mine and Tom's Thought Bubble table at this point we we're very optimistic about the weekend. We also went out and bought supplies for the table and to get everything ready to go. I had 20 Cyberman Prints, 5 Boba Fett prints, 5 Breaking Bad prints and 40 zines, I by no means expect to sell all these but the prints I have left over are going to go on Etsy and the I'm going to take some of my Zines to Travelling Man to sell there.

Extended Practice Boba Fett Print

This is a Star wars print I did for Thought Bubble, I'm really happy with the initial drawing but I think the colouring could have done with more work but I needed to get it printed. I'm really happy with how the line art has translated to screen as well which was something I used to have problems with as I'd lose a lot of the quality. I feel the background could have been much stronger as well looking back a light pattern might have worked much better than the colourful background I went for.

This is the original line work I'm really happy with how this turned out and I feel it's really strong and a great example of where my traditional technical skills are at at this point in time.

Extended Practice Cyberman Screen Print

This is the screen printed version of my Cyberman print, I used a similar process to the one I used last year for my American Gods prints where I screen printed onto black paper though this time instead of using white ink I decided to use silver ink though to make the ink show up better I added somme white ink. Even after doing this though the design was slightly too faded and wasn't as bright as I would have liked still I'm happy with how the print has turned out.

Extended Practice Thought Bubble Doctor Who

This was an idea that I began to develop for another doctor who print that got abandoned due to already having too many prints, I think this piece had potential though as unlike the other prints I started to include more characters and think about how they work in relation to each other in terms of composition.


Extended Practice Pitch

Unfortunately due to time constraints I didn't really have time to work on my pitch pages much so even in there slightly unfinished state I sent them off for the pitch review and unsurprisingly we didn't get a review but it was worth a go. Now with this project I've completed my initial requirements but I definitely want to keep this going in the background and the same time as my other briefs, I want to take a step back and look at the pages I've already done and decide where to take them I want to re do the majority of what I've already done the only pages I'm completely happy with are pages 1 and 6 so I'm going to look at the other pages and try reformatting them I also want to tae the pages and draw them traditionally as I don't feel that digital media is working well enough for me. Once we've done this and finished the pages to a standard I'm happy with we'll start trying to get in touch with publishers again.

Extended Practice Thought Bubble Storm Trooper Prints

These are two prints I was considering based on Storm Troopers from Star Wars unfortunately I just couldn't get them to work I didn't feel the line quality of the images is good enough so I decided to ditch these and focus on my other prints.


Extended Practice Zine Cover

This is my screen printed Zine cover I did, I'm happy with how they turned out. I had a couple of problems though. The main problem was that the silver ink is very opaque and ideally I would have liked a much brighter silver to make the cover stand out much more but I think this is much more subtle and the metallic effect works really well. I'm really excited to see the zine when it's been put together.