
Visual Communication Final Poster and GIF

Visual Communication Edited Images for GIF

Visual Communication Poster Development

This is the development of our final poster as we were working on the final poster we realised we weren't going to be able to do the 9 panel poster as we originally had planned due to working as a pair rather than having 4 people working, the other thing was we just weren't going to have time to get nine panels all lined up and parallel it was a nightmare to get 3 of them aligned. Although the time we would have spent working on the rest of the photos we put into editing the photos we had and putting the gif together, I'm quite pleased with the final result to say we were working with half a group.

The first thing i did was line up the photos in a 3 panel grid and centered although we thought in the end this looked to plain and it really needed something more.

After this we tried adding text and flipping the room in the first panel so they worked together as a set this improved the original in my opinion. I also rotated some of the photos slightly so they were better aligned.

After that I tried moving the text to the bottom and moving up the images slightly to give the design a more weighted look. I also edited the lighting in the rooms so they didn't look as dull. After this all we did was cut around the figures and move them on to a new layer and turn the background black and white so the characters stood out more compared to the background.

Visual Communication Final Room Photos

For our images we tried to keep them all at the same angle and same distance to emphasise the symmetry of the student halls rooms. For each image we took multiple frames and our initial plans to make the gif and have something move in each image. These are the unedited photos for our final images.

The first images we did were of the drunk character who had passed out on the floor with cans spread around him, I'm pleased with how this one turned out as works quite well as a satirical take on the character. I thought what made this one more effective also is that everyone knows someone who always ends up like this on a night out therefore making it more relatable.

This one was supposed to parody the "Hardcore Gamer", I don't think this one actually worked as well as the drunk one seen as it's not quite as obvious and in the context of the gif they needed to be fairly obvious. I think on of the things that made this image stronger is the over the top nature of them.

This one was meant to play on the musician in student halls with the walls being so thin you can hear everything they do, In hindsight I think this image would have worked better if we intentionally showed that the person had n idea how to play the instrument and therefore making them that bit more annoying, It also would have worked a bit better with electric guitars than with the acoustic guitar we used.

This image was intended to be completely random and I think it worked really well cause we just made it as obvious as possible. In my head I see these images as the main characters perception as to what is actually happening in these rooms and has just let there imagination run wild, as some of the noises you here in student accommodation I don't think anybody could guess what they are. I think just this isn't obvious enough though in the final images.

This image was supposed to reflect "lad" culture and satirise it in the end I don't think it worked that well as people we originally intended to use weren't available and  we ran out of time while working on it. I think it could have been stronger if we used 2 characters in it and got them to pose in a slightly more over the top manner.

Finally we have the images of the main character I think these worked well although again they could have worked better if they were more over the top, but it's hard to get people who feel comfortable doing these sort of things.

Visual Communication Initial Main Character Photos

For the photos of our main character we knew we were going to have to have at least 9 photos of him for each photo of a room around the main characters we were going to cut back to his getting more and more irritated in the gif. We worked on these photos trying to work out the lighting and how to take these photos in the best way to keep them working as a set, although in the end we didn't end up using any of these as they were the wrong format. We ended up realising that all our photos needed to be taken when it was dark as well so some of the rooms actually made sense.

Visual Communication Initial Photos

Me and Rosie started by taking photos of our idea of a photo of people getting ready and being noisy before they're about to go on a night out I think these photos worked fairly well but the most successful one is probably the portrait one. Due to the fairy lights they've made the photos go an odd colour which could affect how they work with the rest of the set.


Visual Communication The Walls in Halls

The first thing we did after moving away from the public transport idea was go back to out initial list of ideas and pick our original favourite which was how thin the walls are in student accommodation. We decided to do this idea because it's something almost everyone in our group can relate too.

After this we started to look at our public transport idea and we took the idea of stereotypes and started too apply this too our new idea, We liked this idea and decided it would work well applied to our accommodation idea. We made a list of our initial ideas and started to pick the best ones and who could play them in the photos.

After looking at the Stereotypes we started to think about the composition of the poster and how we could relate this too the GIF. We thought about having the poster just be a picture of the main character looking annoyed while trying to sleep in bed but moved away from this and decided to use the idea off dividing the image up into a 3x3 grid and each on being someones bedroom with the main character in the middle and someone making noise in each.

Then we started thinking about the props we'd need to make this work and made a list of them.