
Process and Production Moving Images Proposal

I intend to produce...

3-6 10 second stings based on the novel American Gods by Neil Gaiman for a proposed tv show, these would work as a promotional tool for the potential tv series.

The content will focus on...

I intend to focus on the duality of the characters in the books and the contrast between the characters and there gods, most of the focus will be on the characters themselves and different aspects of there personality and motifs related to them.

I will be aiming to communicate...

A similair atmosphere to my poster and t-shirts, I really want both outcomes to work well as a set. The main point of the animations though would be to work as a promotional tool for a film or TV series and to get people interested in the show.

To an audience of...

The audience will be the same as the poster and t-shirts... 16-50 year olds the audience i'm aiming for are the type of people that watch HBO shows such as The Wire, Game of Thrones and The Sopranos, So I want it to apply to a mass audience rather than a niche audience. It would have to make people want to watch the show and not just apply to Neil Gaiman fans.

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